Over the years and miles of training runs and races, I’ve developed a few simple tricks that help me when my mind starts to negotiate with my body. You know those times where your body is saying no more and your mind starts agreeing even though you’ve still got miles to go. I’ve used the tricks below countless times to get through some tough training runs and races. Hopefully they can provide some help to you, too!
Trick #1 – Marker
Pick a marker, such as a tree, lamp post, parked car, etc., and tell yourself you’ll only run up ’til that marker. Little does your brain know that you’re going to pick another marker once you pass it and do the same thing. I used this recently while trudging through the last few miles of my 2nd marathon. I was starting to consider just walking, but instead, I ran to a lamp post, then the public restrooms, then the pier, etc. Before I knew it, I was past the finish line.
Trick #2 – Ease
Remind yourself how easy the remaining distance is and how you’ve already done it before. This is especially helpful towards the end of your run. On mile 17 of a 20 mile run, remind yourself how many times you’ve run a 5K and how easy they are for you. Or if you’ve got 1 mile left and you’re struggling, remind yourself of how short a distance 1 mile is, how it will only take you X amount of time, and how you’ve run countless miles in the past. What’s one more got on you?
Trick #3 – Fantasize
Think about what you’re going to do once you complete your run. I’ve had fantasies about food, smoothies, being a complete vegetable for the remainder of the day, taking an extra hot shower, etc. while struggling on long runs, and they kept me moving so I could fulfill them more quickly. On longer training runs, I usually pass a food truck that has me craving fried chicken (of the plant-based variety, of course). Even on shorter runs, thinking about that post-run smoothie helps keep me motivated.
Trick #4 – Only
Focus on what you have left and use the word “only” a lot. I only have 3 miles to go. Only 1 more hour. Only a few more steps. For some reason, when I put the word “only” in front of any amount of distance, it doesn’t seem that far. Use this in conjunction with the Marker trick for double the distraction: I’m only running to the next traffic light.
Trick #5 – Math
Trick your mind by using percentages or fractions. Let’s say I’m on an 18 mile training run, I’m at mile 10, and I’m already feeling the urge to stop. Start calculating! Mile 10 of 18 means I’m just about 2/3 of the way through, meaning I’ve only got 1/3 to go. I’m also more than halfway through and really, what’s another 8 miles? You can even break up the remaining mileage, so once I’m at mile 12, I’m 1/4 complete with the remaining 8 miles and now am actually 2/3 done. If your mind is distracted calculating weird math, it won’t be able to focus on how tired your body is.
You may sense a common theme with all of these tricks: distract the mind! Anything you can do to get your mind to stop thinking about how tired you are or how you want to stop should help you squeeze out those extra few miles. And remember: MEFOM!